Tuesday 7 February 2012

Oil & Gas Set to Burn Up 2012

Oil & Gas Drafting

Two industries set to continue growing in Australia for the year 2012 are the mining industry along with the energy sector. As the world is starting to wakeup after the global economic crisis combined with the emerging economies of China, Brazil and India the worlds appetite for energy in particular oil and natural gas.

Oil and Gas Drafting

Many companies across the globe have reduced there engineering resources and engineering budgets thus has resulted in a backlog of projects and infrastructure updated needs to meet the growing worldwide demand. So as demand rises so there is a need for plant upgrades / modifications including significant new infrastructure is required for many of the world’s energy producers, especially in countries with recent major discoveries of oil.

From our perspective, 2012 will be a good year for the energy industry as a whole and the team at Hamilton By Design 3D piping have been optimizing their design systems over the past five years are poised to support growth across Australia and the globe.

For more information on how Hamilton By design can set your oil and gas projects alight contact

Solidworks Sydney  |   3D Piping  |  Oil & Gas Projects |  Mechanical Design

Oil and Gas Drafting